Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical Structures II A02

  • Prof. Toshiyuki Sugawa      
KeywordsComplex Analysis, Geometric Function Theory, Quasiconformal Mappings, Special Functions

Complex Analysis

The research subject of Sugawa Lab is mainly Complex Analysis. Even if the data and/or functions are described in terms of real variables, hidden structures may emerge when dealing with them as complex variables. For instance, in the classical problems of moments concerning a sequence of real numbers, the power series formed by the sequence (the generating function) gives us many useful visions to tackle the problems. In such a case, Complex Analysis plays an important role. We are studying analytic functions from the geometric viewpoint to provide new interpretations to classical results. Moreover, we are interested in quasiconformal mappings, which have recently found many applications in image processing and brain mapping. With the help of computers together with the above knowledge, we are studying modern topics such as Teichmller spaces, Kleinian groups, Complex Dynamics, and fractals, as well.

  • A graph of the Riemann zeta function: the brightness and the color indicate the absolute value and the argument, respectively.