Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Logic for Information Science A13
KeywordsProgramming Language Theory, Formal Language Theory, Theorem Proving
Filling a gap between humans and computers
Our ultimate goal is to fill a gap between humans and computers on programming. A human-readable description may put a burden on computers due to inefficient execution, while a computer-oriented (well-tuned) description may put a burden on humans due to knotty development. Our goals are to derive a well-tuned program from a human-readable description and to certify that well-tuned complicated programs work as humans intend.
Our research focuses on formal tree language theory that can deal with abstracted computations. Specifically, we study a theory of tree automata and transducers to develop a framework which enables to automatically derive efficient programs and statically check properties desired by programmers. Additionally, we use a proof assistant tool to certify the correctness of our theory.
We also study semantics of programming languages. This gives a kind of program abstraction which keeps all the semantical properties of programs. Through the abstraction and mathematical analysis, we clarify the essence of a target programming language. We apply denotational, operational, axiomatic, and categorical semantics to a theoretical design of programming languages and program verification.
Experimental result that illustrates effect of a program transformation based on formal tree language theory (where both time and space efficiency are improved in comparison with an existing implementation)
Coinductive formalization of validity of toss juggling patterns and its certification in the Coq proof assistant