☆新型コロナウイルス感染症検査で陽性と認定された方へ / For those who have tested positive for novel COVID-19 infection (2022.8.8)

(English follows Japanese.)




  1. 下記①の「別紙_濃厚接触者の定義」を確認し、自身が接触した方で濃厚接触者と思われる【学内の方】を下記④「接触者リスト」に入力する。(学外の方は不要です)
  2. そのリストに記載した方に『濃厚接触者である』旨を伝え下記②の「接触者への留意事項」を送付する。(1で不明な方への連絡は不要です)
  3. ③の陽性者報告フォームに状況を入力し、④の接触者リストを添付し、送信する。

① 濃厚接触者の定義
② 接触者への留意事項
③ 陽性者報告フォーム
④ 接触者リスト


For those who have tested positive for novel COVID-19 infection (2022.8.8)


 If you are found to be positive for COVID-19 by the public health center in the COVID-19 PCR test or antigen test due to illness, please follow the instructions of the public health center and take the following measures to prevent the spread of infection.


  1. Check "Appendix _Definition of Concentrated Contact Person" in ①below and enter the [University Person] whom you had contact with and who is considered to be a concentrated contact person in ④List of people in close contact (This is not necessary for non-university persons.)
    ※If you are uncertain whether or not the person is a concentrated contact, write a check at the list.
  2. Inform the person on the list that he or she is a "person in close contact" and send him or her the Important notices for those who have been in contact with someone ②below.
    (No need to contact those who are not sure in 1.)
  3. Enter the Positive person status and send the attachment of the list ④.

Definition of Concentrated Contact Person
Important notices for those who have been in contact with someone
GSIS report form positive persons for COVID-19.
List of people in close contacts

If you are not feeling well, please do not come to the University, refrain from going out and having a meal with someone, and follow the flow chart.
It prevents the spread of infection by promptly notifying persons in concentrated contact. We ask for your cooperation.