留学生向け PhDC Career Seminar開催/【PhDC:Invitation】 PhDC Career Seminar ”Tips for Job Finding for Non-Japanese ,Ph.D. Candidates and Postdocs”

To All non-Japanese Ph.D. candidates and postdocs enrolled at Tohoku
University who want to find their jobs in and outside Japan.

This is PhDC Office.
Information on events sponsored by PhDC.

PhDC Career Seminar
"Tips for Job Finding for Non-Japanese Ph.D. Candidates and Postdocs"
This seminar will talk about important tips for successful job finding, including differences in the job finding timing, salary systems, serving length at one company, and the importance of the Japanese language in addition to what industry expects of Ph.D. graduates, strong research skills together with communication and teamwork capabilities.

[Date & Time]
JULY 16, 2024, 15:00 – 17:00

Aobayama East Campus
Engineering Laboratory Complex Building (C10) 1F Room110

[Who should attend]
All non-Japanese Ph.D. candidates and postdocs enrolled at Tohoku University who want to find their jobs in and outside Japan.

  15:00 Opening address by Prof. Akira Ando (PhDC, Tohoku Univ.)
Part I Presentations (15:05 – 16:30)

 ・15:05-15:50  “How to find your job in and outside Japan”
 (focusing on job finding window, salary systems, serving years at one company, importance of the Japanese language, industry expectations of Ph.D. graduates)  by Prof. Shu Kato (Tohoku Univ.)
・15:50 - 16:10 “Suggestions for Ph.D. Candidates and Postdocs from Industry experience”by Dr. Adam Matejovič (Sysmex)
・16:10 -16:30 “Suggestions for Ph. D. candidates and Postdocs from governmental research institute experience”by Dr. Suyun Wang (NICT)
Part II Panel discussion (16:30 – 17:00)
 Topic: How to write “Entry Sheet / Application Form and Research Summary”
 -Importance of Skills, Leadership, and positive Ending (against negative questions) -
 Moderator: Prof. Akimasa Sakuma (PhDC, Tohoku Univ.)
 Panelists: Dr. Suyun Wang, Dr. Adam Matejovič, Prof. Balachandran Jeyadevan (PhDC, Tohoku Univ.), Prof. Shu Kato

[To apply]
  Please apply from the URL below.
*If you wish to cancel your participation, please be sure to contact the
PhDC office.

by 7/5  (Fri.) Noon
*Ends early when venue capacity is reached

[Hosted and Contact]
  by PhDC Office
