(キャリア支援センター)「プレ就活ガイダンス-春からの一歩進んだ就活準備を進めるために-」の実施について/"Pre-Job Hunting Guidance - Prepare for the Next Step in Your Job Hunting Starting This Spring!-” will be held by the Center for Career Support.



また、1月25日(土)開催「冬の企業Day in 青葉山キャンパス」の活用方法もお伝えします!



◆参加申込はウェブサイトから行ってください。申込が完了すると当日のZoom URLが表示されます。



"Pre-Job Hunting Guidance - Prepare for the Next Step in Your Job Hunting Starting This Spring!-” will be held by the Center for Career Support.

◆Date and Time: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 12:00-13:00

◆Conducted by:
Mynavi Career Supporter in charge of Tohoku University
The Mynavi Career Supporter in charge of Tohoku University will give you the key points for your future activities based on the activities of Tohoku University seniors, nationwide trends, and the movement of companies,
The supporters will give you tips for your future activities based on the activities of Tohoku University students, trends in Japan, and the movement of companies!
Also, we will tell you how to make use of “Company Day in Winter on Aobayama Campus” held on January 25 (Sat)!

◆Format: Online (Zoom webinar)

◆Language: Japanese

◆◆Registration must be made through the website. Once the application is completed, the Zoom URL for the day of the event will be displayed.
Education and Student Support Department
Career Support Office, Employment Section

