令和4年度実施東北大学大学院情報科学研究科入学試験(推薦・上期)合格者の入学手続き案内送付について/Regarding for sending the documents for admission procedures of the successful applicants for the GSIS at Tohoku University entrance examination in the fall entrance examination and the special selection f

We will send out the enrollment documents by Thursday February 16, 2023.


Enrollment Registration is From Monday, March 13, 2023, until Thursday March 16, 2023.
We understand that the time between the announcement of student ID numbers(Friday March 10,2023)and the enrollment procedures is short, but we ask that you please prepare accordingly.

東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科 教務係
電話:022-795-5814  E-mail:is-kyom※grp.tohoku.ac.jp(※を@に変えてください)

Educational Affairs Section,
Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University (GSIS)
Phone:022-795-5814  E-mail:is-kyom※grp.tohoku.ac.jp(Please change * to @)